Tipping Point In The Military

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The Department of Defense (DOD) should consider the value in creating a “Tipping Point “ as it seeks ways to improve the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program. I propose that the tipping point could be enacting a dramatic change to the fraternization policy as it relates to workplace dating and relationships. Specifically I am proposing that the military adopt a strict romance policy, similar to what some businesses define as a love clause. Malcolm Gladwell developed the notion that at a systems tipping point; changes would eventually become irreversible, hence adopting a new standard of behavior for that system. The proposed tipping point should cause a shift in the military culture as the changed policy is accepted to be …show more content…

I would suggest that the military has not considered this option since it would involve a significant change to our culture. The proposed change should have a perceived significant impact to the military culture and profession as a whole. …show more content…

It is also widely studied that there is a disparity between the culture of the military and that of society. Most studies suggest that the two cultures should be aligned because the military is an extension of the society it defends. One could propose that the military culture has changed significantly over the last decade as society has attempted to keep it aligned. The following are a few examples of policies that have affected the military culture: gender equality in the various services, acceptance of sexual preference, women in combat positions, and transgender equalities. The military culture has resisted adopting these policy changes each and every time, based on the fact that they were downward directed. The DOD has never self-initiated its own policy changes where it perceives a threat to its deeply held culture and tradition. The aforementioned policy changes provided no evidence that supported the claim that there would be negative impacts to morale and unit effectiveness.
The civilian community debates that such strict policies provide unreasonable intrusion into one’s personal business. Most states have laws that allow employers to develop policies that restrict workplace romance. , The military system allows leaders to know what’s going on with its members both on and off duty; for such things as criminal activity, business ventures, debt issues, etc. The disadvantage