
Tips For Parents Care Givers & Adult Supervisors

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Welcome! This is a cookbook about helping children advance independently in the kitchen through the form of simple non-heat cooking in a minimalistic style.

The recipes included in this book focus on the stage between assisting in the kitchen and beginning to use ovens, stovetops and other elements that require high levels of attention and responsibility. The cookbook allows children to demonstrate their abilities in the kitchen leading up to learning about cooking with heat-related equipment through the use of a microwave, kettle, hot water and powered equipment.

The overall style of the cookbook, recipes and illustrations alike, has been created in a minimalistic way after noticing that many children’s cookbooks can be over complicated. …show more content…

If they begin to struggle, allow them to try again or ask before you involve yourself.
Even if you are comfortable with your child being unsupervised in the kitchen it doesn’t hurt to stroll by every now and again to ensure everything is going smoothly, sometimes even adults encounter chaos in the kitchen.
In saying that try not to invade the kitchen too much. This cookbook is trying to empower children to be independent cooks so if they feel like you’re hovering too much they may suspect you don’t trust them or that they are doing something wrong.
Offer your support around the kitchen by recognising the child when they do something well without degrading other elements of the practice.

Disclaimer: Your encouragement, support and watchful eyes in the kitchen is always important. Each individual child will have different experiences in the kitchen. Cooking skill levels, as well as reading and comprehension abilities, are important and each child’s ability to read and understand this cookbook should be assessed before allowing them to use it in practice in. Please only leave children in the kitchen unattended if you are sure they are competent in the tasks they are completing. Try to provide them with space to attempt things themselves, however, always intervene when a dangerous situation

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