Titan Prometheus Trickster Quotes

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A trickster is defined as a character that shows a degree of intellect and knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or go against normal rules and conventional behavior. To be a trickster one has to be deceptive, manipulative and cunning. Both Prometheus and Hermes are excellent examples of tricksters, but while they have similarities there are also differences between the two gods. The Titan Prometheus, born from Titans Iapetus and Clymene, was a cunning trickster and famously gave the humans fire and the skill of metalwork. Prometheus decided to raid Hephaistos and Athena’s workshop on Mt. Olympus and stole the gift of fire, and hid it in fennel-stalk, he then gave the gift to man. Prometheus had also taught mankind how to use fire and that’s

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