
Titanic Persuasive Essay

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Should people visit the sunken ship known as the Titanic? There is an ongoing debate on whether or not society should visit the Titanic. Some people think that the population should visit this ship. But there are also individuals who do not support this idea. People should not visit the Titanic because it costs too much, it is disrespectful to the people who died on the ship, and because of the hazards that come with visiting the vessel. First, the cost to go visit the sunken ship is extremely pricey. Evidence to support this claim is “Soon, however, it will be open to visitors–visitors with $125,000 to spare, that is” (The Titanic wreckage 1). This supports the fact that going to visit this vessel is extremely costly, and could be used for better things. Further evidence to support this claim is “You’ll also have to pay $125,000 for the entire journey (Lavis 1). This explains that the trip costs a large sum of money, which is outrageous just to see a sunken ship. All in all, the amount that is needed to visit the sunken ship is quite abundant. Secondly, visiting the Titanic is disrespectful to the people who died on that journey. …show more content…

Evidence from the text states “Take the Titanic’s crow’s nest, a tall structure that was used as a lookout. It’s gone missing, possibly after having been knocked loose by a submersible in the early 2000s” (Carro 4). This can lead to the inference that if a piece of the ship is missing one can only assume that another piece can fall off during one of OceanGates trips. Carro also states, “At such depths, the pressure of the water is so great that a person would be crushed in seconds” (4). This further proves that it is extremely hazardous to go down and visit the Titanic, taking the risk to travel down that far knowing the risks just does not really seem necessary. With all that has been said, going down to see the Titanic knowing what could possibly happen is not the best

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