Titanic: The World's Greatest Steamship Disaster

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NEW YORK, April 16, 1912 – These pinnacles of fact concerning the world’s greatest steamship disaster – the sinking at 2:20 a.m. Monday, of the White Star liner Titanic, off the Banks of Newfoundland, stood out prominently early today, as sifted from the wireless reports.

Revised estimate of loss of life, 1,234 souls. The $10,000,000 steamship cargo and jewels, worth perhaps $10,000,000 more, a total loss.

An unknown newspaper printed the above article, and those are the 1912 estimates of the value of treasures that went down with the Titanic. Today the value in probably incalculable. As you have certainly heard, many of those treasure have been salvaged and conserved in efforts that also cost millions of dollars. Money has always