Title IX Should Be Banned In School Sports Essay

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Is there any female athletes or girls who participate in a school club? Or has any of you or anybody you know have been assaulted on school grounds or in an educational campus and was unable to fight for your/their case due to the lack of knowledge of laws? Because of Title IX, women are granted this power and is protected under this law. Title IX for those of you who don’t know or is unaware of the legislation, is a federal law that prohibits any gender from being excluded from being in or receiving benefits from any education program or any program funded by the federal government enacted in 1972 according to Dol.gov. Today I will be telling you two things Title IX do for women in the United States.

Title IX allows female athletes have the same right to play in school sports just like their male counterparts. Also, this allows females to gain athlete scholarships, equipments, supplies, scheduling of games, practice time, medical training, services and many more. Although the Title IX have allowed female students to play, it still doesn’t mean female athletes will be given the same opportunities male athletes are given in the educational institution. Unfortunately for Girls of Color and Women of Color, few are given the ability to play sports and when they are, they are given fewer resources. …show more content…

A school could be held to pay legal fees to the victim, something that was ruled by the Supreme Court. In addition, the school can be held in court if the sexual harassment/assault was perpetrated by a faculty member, staff, or student. In order to make the school be held responsible, the institution must have power over the harasser and over the environment the incident