To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie Essay

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Due to limited time a few characters have been altered in the movie. A lot of the characters are the same but there a few that have been, left out, combined, or added. The most prominent is that Aunt Alexandra is not in the movie at all. In the movie they combine characters, for example Miss Stephanie is also Dill’s Aunt. In the movie Cecil instead of Francis makes scout break her promise about fighting. Miss Maudie and Miss Rachel, the neighbors, were combined into one person. They add and expand on characters for the film, like they meet Tom’s kids and dad, the dad is not even in the book at all. There is also a scene in the movie where they have a conversation about their mom, but there was only a short section where they mention her in …show more content…

There are only two hours for the movie, so instead of happening over three years, the movie happens over two. The movie did the book justice by having parts the same such as, Tom Robinson dying in an attempt to escape from prison be the same in both the book and the movie. The scenes of gifts in the tree are the same, and the African Americans respect Atticus in the same way. A big part that the movie left out was that the movie never shows the classroom, so we never meet her teachers or hear their lessons to Scout. Movies back then were more censored so the movie doesn’t talk about Bob raping Mayella, which was a big deal in the book because it added to Tom's innocence. In the movie Ewell starts to stalk them before the night of the play. Mrs. Dubose doesn’t torment them and Jem doesn’t destroy her flowers as happened in the book. Those were important scenes that taught lessons, though the movie failed to Include them. When it is learned that Tom Robinson is dead, in the book it takes a couple weeks, but in the movie it was only a couple hours before they found out. The shortening of time lessons the impact and takes away from the message. The movie also leaves out the scene of the children attending Calprina's church. The main plot points still happen in the film although other minor parts are left out or