To Kill A Mockingbird Book Vs Movie Essay

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Book to movie adaptations often disappoint the readers of the book, To Kill a Mockingbird (movie) is an exception. The movie shares similarities with the book but it also has some big differences. In the movie the character of Aunt Alexandra is nonexistent, and the movie focuses more on Jem than Scout. In particular Aunt Alexandra is a big influence on Scout, whether she likes it or not. The first scene with Aunt Alexandra that is cut out is the Christmas scene (chapter 9). In the Christmas scene Atticus, Jem, and Scout visit Aunt Alexandra and her family at the Finch’s Landing. This scene introduces us to Aunt Alexandra and the type of person she is. This scene also leads to Scout figuring out that Atticus was assigned the Tom Robinson case. Meanwhile the movie added …show more content…

This scene is essential because it leads to the discovery of Aunt Alexandra moving into Scout’s home. The discovery of Aunt Alexandra’s visit leads to Chapter thirteen where Aunt Alexandra’s character is described in more detail, and the readers get to know her better. Furthermore the exclusion of Aunt Alexandra’s character is essential during chapters twenty-eight and twenty-nine of the book. During those two chapters Aunt Alexandra is the person that helps Scout and makes sure she is okay. In the end Aunt Alexandra becomes accepting of how Scout chooses to express herself. I believe this was important to Scout because she had found it hard to be lady like, like Aunt Alexandra wanted. Although Scout is still an important character in the movie, Jem seems to do a lot of the essential things Scout did in the book. For example, in the book Scout finds two pieces of gum in a knot hole in a tree. However in the movie Jem finds two soap dolls in the knot hole of the tree. Jem is also shown to have a box full of the items he collected from the knot hole