
To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee: Chapter Analysis

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1. The narrator is Scout Finch. In the book, she is almost six years old, which was suggested in the quote, “When I was almost six...” It is proposed that Scout must be significantly older when she tells the story because she wrote, “When enough years had gone by to enable us to look back on them...” and, “We were far too old...” The disparity in age might affect the story because she might have forgotten some of the smaller details about the events and she might have phrased some things differently than she would have as a child. Her age came with the knowledge and wisdom of understanding her past, which must have changed her perspectives on issues that society had with different classes and races of people and the level of hypocrisy …show more content…

As Jem was peeping through the window, Dill and Scout saw a shadow behind Jem and it began to run after them. Jem closed the gates and ran for the schoolyard fence with Dill and Scout. He held the wire for them as they went through to the safety of the oak tree in their schoolyard. They realized Jem was not with them and saw him stuck in the fence. Jem had to run back to them in his underwear and they went around back to the Finch house. When their breathing came under control, they walked out to the big crowd in front of the Radley house. They saw that it was Mr. Nathan Radley with shotgun across his body inside his gate. Jem asked Miss Stephanie what had happened and she told them that Mr. Radley shot at a Negro in his collard patch and the shot went in the air. Nathan Radley had said that when he hears another sound, he had another barrel waiting for the Negro. Atticus then saw Jem with no pants on and asks why he was not wearing any pants. To avoid telling the truth, Dill told Atticus that they were playing strip poker by Miss Rachel’s fish pool. Atticus and Miss Rachel were furious with the children playing poker and made them promise never to play any form of poker. Jem was ordered to get his pants from Dill’s house by Atticus and Jem decided to get his pants from the Radley place through the schoolyard and Deer’s Pasture. When Jem came back with his pants in his hands, he went back to bed without saying a word to …show more content…

The children thought the snow was beautiful and exciting as they have never seen snow before in their life. However, Miss Maudie was not so happy with the snow because she was worried if the snow froze, her azaleas would die. She became frantic about preserving her precious flowers and called Jem to help her cover her flowers to keep them warm. The reaction of the children is more cheerful and innocent, whereas Miss Maudie’s reaction is more practical and realistic, in terms of her garden. 2. Atticus tells the children they can’t just “go make caricatures of the neighbours” because they might have offended Mr. Avery as the snowman looked like him. It was not polite of them to do that, but Jem protested that it just looked like Mr. Avery. Atticus explained that even though it might look like a bit like Mr. Avery, Mr. Avery might see it as a way for Jem and Scout to be making fun of them. 3. When Scout was standing in front of the Radley place with Jem, she was so busy looking at the fire in the cold that she did not notice that Boo Radley had wrapped a blanket around her. This tells that Boo may not be the insane, malevolent ghost everyone perceives him. Rather he is more compassionate and concerned for the well-being of others, in particular, for

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