
To Kill A Mockingbird, By Harper Lee

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Brenna Thayer Mrs.Andrews English 1 16 April,2024. To Kill a Mockingbird is a compassionate novel that was published, earning the Pulitzer Prize in 1960. The story follows the life of a 5-year old, Scout Finch, and her brother, Jem Finch, being 9-years old. The two children are learning the consequences of racism,while it is damaging their community.In Chapter 11, Harper Lee uses literary elements using conflict,setting,character hoping to develop change and maturing to emphasize that courage needs to be involved in order to acknowledge the different points of view. The conflict between Mrs.Dubose and Jem is because Atticus is Tom Robinson’s defense lawyer due to him being accused of raping and beating a white woman.Scout said,“[Mrs.Dubose] …show more content…

Tom is black and Atticus is white, so no one else agrees with what Atticus is doing, but he believes in justice and equality. After Jem hears Mrs.Dubose insult Atticus,he wasn't very happy with what he was hearing.Jem used Scouts new baton to destroy Mrs.Dubose's flowers,along with pulling Scouts hair and kicking her.Scout stated, “He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs.Dubose owned,until the ground was littered with green buds and leaves.He bent my baton against his knee,snappe Atticus wasn't expecting Jem to be the one that would act out like that towards Mrs. Dubose. Jem was …show more content…

The 'Standard' is a 'Standard'. When Jem decided to cut up Mrs.Dubose's flowers,they were located at Mrs.Dubose's house. Jem went through her front yard before they were going to enter her gate and lost control. Soon after, Jem was told to go talk to Mrs.Dubose and apologize for what he did, and receive punishment from her. Atticus said anything she wants him to do, he will do. “Jem planted his big toe delicately in the center of the rose and pressed it in.Finally he said, “Atticus,it's alright on the sidewalk but inside it’s-it’s all dark and creepy.There's shadows and things on the ceiling.”(Lee 121). When the day came, Jem and Scout walked over to Mrs.Dubose's house so Jem could do his punishment,go to her house “every afternoon after school and Saturdays and read to her out loud for two hours”(Lee 121). Jems character changes his character and shows progression. Jem didn't understand until Atticus had to give him and Scout talks about Mrs. Dubose. The kids were too young to understand people's

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