To Kill A Mockingbird Judging Analysis

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To kill a mockingbird is named that because most of the characters are like mocking birds, people who are innocent and who have done nothing wrong in life yet they pay for most of the damage, but the big part of the theme is judging. In most of the story Scout and Jem judge their neighbour Boo Radly, and in another part of the story the town judges this black man on if he raped this young woman all because he is colored. Many people people in this story have confronted evil and don't really know at first, for example Tom Robinson he was with this known, young woman, and when his father caught them together she came up with the first thing she saw and that was his coulored skin, which is immediately judging. He was a good friend to her but …show more content…

It wasn't because of how he looked, or how smart he was but on how they thought what society wanted to live like. Boo Radley didn't like many people and that what made the, talk more was because he didn't want to encounter anybody. Boo knew how bad the world has become so he stuck to himself and only left his house at dark. Though Boo helped Scout and Jem and watched over them he still never wanted to come out of his home. Jem and Scout needed to understand that judging a person should never be an option even if you dont know the person. Harper Lea makes most people understand that no matter what color you are, or how you approach life. You need to get know the person to even drop an opinion about them, but you should never judge a book by its cover. God made everybody equal and Harper really puts that in perspective for everybody; She also adds that everyone is their own individual that should never be changed diffrentley and should stay there own with out anyone wanting to change. Harper Lea wrote a great book about life, death, humans, and that you shouldn't change or judge on another but be careful because Harper gives us examples of life that just because your innocent doesn't mean your going to not be a mockingbird. Life shows you that even the toughest birds can't