To Kill A Mockingbird-Personal Narrative

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Scout caught me in the schoolyard today, and randomly started running me into the ground; thankfully, Jem wandered up and disentangled me from the situation. “Stop that. You’re bigger than he is.” He said sternly. “Well he’s as old as you,” she said. “He made me start off on the wrong foot.” “Let him go,” he spat back at her. I didn’t have the slightest on what I done to start her off wrong then she started whimpering about my dietary affairs which didn’t bother me much but rubbing my nose in the dirt shouldn’t have been the way she dealt with it I though. She stomped her foot at me as if to scare me off; it didn’t even phase me really. Jem guided her toward him with his hand on her shoulder. He looked me up and down. “Your daddy is Mr. Walter Cunningham from Old Sarum correct?” he asked, I nodded picking nervously at the silver hooks on my overalls. I swayed a little as I stood waiting for him to say something. …show more content…

“We’d be glad to have you. “Your dad is a real close friend of our daddy. Don’t worry Scout won’t hurt you no more,” he said gesturing at his little sister. I bit my lip and stared at the ground. They were joking I thought. I wouldn’t even be able to pay’em back what would Pa think? I shook my head slowly and looked up they were almost to the Radley place when I yelled, “Hey, I’m