
To Kill A Mockingbird Research Paper

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HOOK.At the beginning of the Civil Rights movement, Harper Lee wrote a book during a very racist period, The Great Depression. This novel is about Scout Finch, a six year old young girl who lived in the South during the 1930s. She and her ten year old brother, Jem, are being raised by their father Atticus, who is a lawyer and puts his all into defending a black man, Tom Robinson. The “Mockingbird” in this story symbolizes a bird on which the children shouldn’t kill because it represents innocence. If you were to kill a “Mockingbird” it would be considered a “sin”. In her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee masterfully uses Tom Rombinson, Atticus, and Boo Radley as human mockingbirds, and therefore, symbols of innocence. To begin, let's use Tom Robinson as a mockingbird. Tom …show more content…

During the Civil Rights movement, he was charged with brutally raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell, beating her, and chocking her. During the trial, his lawyer Atticus Finch did his hardest to prove he was innocent. When Mayella was called to the stand, he asked her to identify the man that choked her, hit her, grabbed her around the neck, and took advantage of her, and she confirmed that it was Tom Robinson.Atticus told Tom to please stand and to catch a bottle with his right hand. then his left, but he couldn’t. Reverend Sykes narrates, “He got it caught in a cotton gin, caught it in Mr. Dolphus Raymond’s cotton gin when he was a boy.like he bled to death. tore all the muscles loose from his bones” (Lee 186). This shows everyone in the court that since his left arm does not work properly, him being accused of choking her, hitting her, grabbing her around the neck, and taking advantage of her is false. As the trial progresses, Bob Ewell, Mayella's father, takes the stand. Atticus requests him to write his name, revealing that Bob Ewell is left-handed, which is significant because Mayella was beaten by someone who used their left

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