To What Extent Should Children Be Allowed Screen Time Essay

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There is a strong debate to whether children should be allowed screen time whether its in front of a computer or televison . In my opinion, I believe children should have the opportunity to see the things that are being discussed and learned on televison thats not being taught or talked about in society or school . For example; sports, fitness, newest movies, ect. In this essay I will explain why I believe children should be able to have unlimited screen time whether its on a televison or any other device. In the article " It's Time to Let Go of Screen Fears" they mention how studies showed that watching too much televison leads to weak function. I on the other hand believe it leads to a higher function in brain activity especially with kids who have autism. In my personal expirence with my 8 year old brother and my 16 year old cousin who in fact are both considered as high fuctionign autistic children, I believe it gives them other resources then teachers or school to be taught. Dr.Greenman in Merced CA actually expalined to me that my brother has a easier time learning from a screen then he would have learning in a education facility and from what i saw with my cousin he has a easier time learning from his online schooling then his public school teachers. …show more content…

I agree that just because a child isn't watching televison or buried in a video game screen they will go out and play or exercise. Many children when they aren't watching TV they are sleeping, eating, or talking to friends on the phone from what I see almost everyday. My sister is 6 and when she isn't in front of a screen she is asleep or on the phone talking to her friends or family. In the article "Screen Time Limits are Vital for Children" I have too disagree that screen time takes a mental or even physical toll on