To What Extent Was Herbert Hoover A Liberal Or Conservative

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Herbert Hoover was president from March 4, 1929 until March 4, 1933. Franklin Roosevelt was President from March 4, 1933 until his death on April 12, 1945. A major event that tested their political orientations was the Great Depression that began in 1929 and ended in 1939. Hoover and Roosevelt governed in very different ways. A liberal is generally considered to want greater involvement by government in the lives of the people, in order to help them. Roosevelt was a liberal because he created numerous government agencies to alleviate the problems of the Depression. Roosevelt felt it was the government's responsibility to take care of the people and he initiated direct relief. A conservative is usually thought of as wanting limited government, …show more content…

Roosevelt felt it was the government's responsibility to take care of American citizens. During a speech in Washington, D.C. on March 4, 1937 Roosevelt was talking about some of the struggles Americans were facing. He talked about people being ill-nourished, ill-clad and ill-housed. He talked about children who should be at school, but instead had to work. He also talked about men and women laboring for long hours in factories for inadequate pay. In this speech, he also said “If we would keep faith with those who had faith in us, if we would make democracy succeed, I say we must act--NOW!” (Doc. H). He is saying if the government helps the people, they will in turn help the …show more content…

In Hoover’s second annual message to Congress on December 2, 1930, he was talking about a program of waterway, flood control, public building, highway, and airway improvement. He said “This, together with loans to merchant shipbuilders, improvement of the navy and in military aviation, and other construction work of the government will exceed $520,000,000 for this fiscal year” (Doc. B). Hoover is loaning money to big corporations to help them succeed. Another example is Document D. It is a cartoon showing Hoover trying to first save the big business and Congress from going over the waterfall. The last people he is saving is the unemployed. Hoover felt if big businesses were doing well, that in turn would help the American people get good jobs and be able to take care of