Communication Observation

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Observation: Jace Communication Toddler Lab: Jace uses very few words to communicate and mostly communicates through crying and whining. He will also pull on adults in order to show them what he wants. While in the toddler lab, he would grab hold of the aids hand and put it on the door handle. Jace would not turn his head or respond when people talked to him. In preschool lab, the aids asked him to clean up and he did not look at her. It took multiple cues before he followed their instructions. When addressed by aids, Jace did not make eye contact with him. Before going outside, an aid helps Jace put on boots and a coat. Jace did not make eye contact with the aid. He also did not make eye contact when an aid put on his gloves while he was …show more content…

He does not show much communication towards others. He did not make eye contact with Brother Allen or his mother. He does not respond to his own name or when he ears sounds, such as the rattle. When a toy was taken from him he would squeal and cry. Jace does address his mom. When he fell over he called “mama” repeatedly. He also communicated his needs after his mom gave him snack puffs, he pulled on her, indicating that he wanted more. Jace did show some emotion when he smiled and giggled after bubbles were blown. Social/Emotional Toddle Lab: During his time in the toddler lab, Jace did not show much emotion and he did not smile or show many other facial expressions. He did not interact much with his peers. He did not join with the group during group activities. He became upset when an aid tried to bring him towards the group. He demonstrated this when he fell to the ground and cried. He showed attachment to toys and when an aid tried to take away a toy dinosaur he began to cry. Home Visit: Similar to in the toddle lab, Bace was fixated on objects like the pen. He was not interested in other toys, such as blocks, when offered and cried when the pen was taken away from him. Jace did not show fear when he was left by his mother. He was very comfortable around Brother Allen and engaged him in play. He sat calmly on Brother Allen’s lap interacts with him but taking and giving him