Toddler Social-Emotional Development

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TODDLER Toddler Social - Emotional Development What is the one most important skill that is needed for us to socialize with each other effectively? Is it the need to have language or is it being able to understand other’s as well as one’s own emotions? While physical development as well as language development (which we will look at in the next segment when we talk about cognitive development of a toddler) is important, it is also important for a child to not only learn how to interact with others and understand their emotions but also to control one’s own emotions. This will largely determine how many positive and rewarding relationships the toddler would be able to maintain growing up. Mastering these skills is a long process, and children …show more content…

It is during this time that it is important to make them feel safe and loved while they deal with new challenges as well as being able to develop important components such as a sense of conscience which they will carry on towards adulthood. If the toddler is not taught right from wrong and also provided a nurturing, loving environment, they are more likely to develop conduct problems and antisocial behaviours later in life. Parents paly a vital role during this time, as how you respond to your toddler would determine how confident they become and how much of trust they place in others. A few things you can keep an eye on to support them develop these skills are as follows; Giving your toddler enough time to try and figure out a problem on his/her own (such as tying their shoelace). Only provide support when/if you see them frustrated. This will help your toddler become a confident problem-solver. It is important to help toddlers feel good about their efforts and not just the outcomes. Therefore, make sure to always praise the process as well as the …show more content…

At the age of 24-36 months, toddlers start to really engage in interactive play with their peers and they will also start using more imaginative play. Their understanding of other’s feeling will also tend to gradually increase along with their need to always be right in an argument. It is therefore important to spend more time focusing on how they understand feelings and express their feelings to others. Creative methods could be used such as reading story book or even using puppets. Some other aspects in how you can help your toddler; Help them understand healthy and non-harmful ways to express feelings, specially negative ones such as anger. For example, it is not ok to hit when your angry, rather to express feelings by using appropriate words. Try to avoid always directing your toddler. Let them come up with play ideas so that they are not always dependent on you. Support older toddler’s developing skills by empathizing with their frustration, asking if they know what caused the problem and if they have a solution, offering your observation and if they would like to hear your suggestions