Tom Petty's Song 'Into The Great Wide Open'

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“The sky was the limit” Eddie could fly high or crash and burn. This is a Quote from Tom Petty’s Into the Great Wide Open. In this song Eddie moves to Hollywood right after high school once he gets there he meets a girl while trying to write his future. Into the Great Wide Open by Tom Petty was a falsified narrative song that tells a story about someone wanting to become a star, with a shifting tone from beginning to end, in a non realistic fashion. Into the Great Wide Open a newly aged adult named Eddie has a chance to make his dreams of becoming a star come true. Eddie just finished high school so he is roughly 18 or 19 he decided to move to Hollywood to work on his career. Not long after Eddie moves there he finds a girl and moves in with her, Eddie found a nightclub he could work at the door. Eddie's girlfriend taught him some chords on the guitar. Eddie always played from the heart soon he got an agent and a roadie. Eddie started acting like a rock star but he wasn't one quite yet. His A&R guy didn't hear a single in Eddie's new song so it was never released. …show more content…

Tom Petty’s tone goes from upbeat to defeated half way through the song. At first Eddie’s life was upbeat, he moved to Hollywood right after high school, met a girl. Eddie made a record and it hit the charts he was partying and mingling with movie stars. However after Eddie’s life rose he then was defeated. Eddie’s songs kept getting sloppier with each one. Then his A&R guy didn't hear a single in Eddie’s song so Eddie was fired and he stopped making music. Eddie’s girlfriend left him because he wasn't famous anymore and had to go back