
Tom Robinson Trial

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Prevatt, Lauren Mr.Shipp English 1 CP 17, May 2024 People Are Never Who They Seem To Be In the book, To Kill A Mockingbird there were multiple times where people believed untrue accusations about a character. One theme that you can use for this book may be “Never Judge A Book By Its Cover”. There were multiple times throughout the story when characters were accused of a crime and which they were not guilty of. Many people in the town judged people on their skin and their past times, which led to Tom Robinson losing his life and Jem Finch being accused of murder. In the beginning of the book To Kill A Mockingbird, Tom Robinson is viewed as a terrifying person. Everyone in Maycomb County sees Tom as a bad person because of a crime he has been accused of. …show more content…

Everybody is against Tom Robinson because of the color of his skin, where if it was a white man who got accused of raping Mayella things would be different. This accusation caused Tom Robinson's life and he got the death penalty even though he didn't prove guilty. In chapters 9 and 10 Atticus is defending Tom Robinson to prove that he did not commit to the crime and is not guilty. Tom said that one day he was walking home from a day of work and he spotted Mayella on her porch and she called him over and said, “Tom could you come in and help me get this box down”. When Tom heard Mayella say this, he began to walk over and help her. Once they got the box down, Mayella told Tom to fall on the floor and kiss her. After that happened, Tom Robinson had been accused of raping and beating her when she knew he didn't do it. There was also a witness, Mr. Finch, who saw this happen and still went along with the assumption that he raped and abused Mayell. In chapter 28 of To Kill A Mocking Bird, Bob Ewell is killed by falling on his own knife; he was found on the ground stabbed under his

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