
Tom Robinson Trial Essay

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In To Kill a Mockingbird, the community displays that they despise black people and do not think they are equal to everyone else. The Tom Robinson trial is one of the times the community has shown this hatred. Atticus communicated incredible information to the jury to prove Tom's innocence, but all the jury could see was a black man up against a white one. In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Tom Robinson's tragic outcome is the result of the community's hatred for black people and flaws within the legal system. Body #1 Tom Robinson and other black people were not treated equally, which caused people to not listen to the facts that showed Tom was innocent. I know this because in To Kill a Mockingbird, the text states, "Four Negroes rose and gave us …show more content…

The community made all of the black people sit in the back seats while everyone else could sit wherever they wanted. They were not treating the black people equally, even before the trial started. The community knew from the beginning that Tom did not stand a chance to win because he was going against a white man. If the jury had listened to the facts, they would have never said Tom was guilty. Body #2 One man decided he didn't care that Tom was black and wanted to choose Tom's fate based on the facts. After the trial was over, Jem was talking to his father and found out Mr. Cunningham had hung trial because he knew Tom was not guilty after he had tried to kill him the night before. The jury had to talk to Mr. Cunningham for a long time before making him change his mind. In the book, Jem said, "If we'd had two of that crowd, we'd've had a hung jury." Lee Jem said slowly, "You mean you actually put on the jury a man who wanted to kill you the night before?" Lee 254. This proves that one person decided to look at the facts and could not get the others to listen to him. Mr. Cunningham wanted to kill Tom the night before, then heard Atticus in the trial and knew he was

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