Tom Sawyer Essay Questions

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Types of Questions
The educator 's greatest weapon is the question. Beneath are some different kinds of questions to use, as well as some representations’ of their use with the adventures of Tom Sawyer book.
Convergent Questions:
What task did Aunt Polly give Tom to do?
Name three things that Tom got the kids to give him for the “whitewashing privilege.”
Clarifying Questions:
So, do you think Tom deserve his Aunt Polly punishments, is that right?
Cueing Questions:
What do you think of the expression “a white lie”? Often told to spare someone 's feelings.

Divergent Questions:
Why do people believe in superstitions and how do these superstitions compare to some we have today?
Evaluative Questions:
Is Tom a good or bad boy? Did he should be …show more content…

When Tom presents himself to Aunt Polly after the fence whitewashing is complete, she supposes he is lying. Tell in your own words why honesty plays such a significant role in this book? What can you say about Tom’s character?
What would you do if you were in the same situation as Tom when he witnessed a murder?
Why do you think Tom tries to get out of his punishment of whitewashing the fence, but was willing to take Becky’s punishment? Elaborate on it.
Imagine that you are the author of this book, generate a different ending for this book. What would you change or recommend about Tom’s life?
In your opinion, did Tom do a brave thing or a foolish thing in telling the truth? Explain your reasoning.
The adventures of Tom Sawyer Oral Book Report Rubric

Language Arts Teacher: Mrs. Vega- Guerra
Grade: 6

Student Name_______________________________________________ Date ____________

Task Description: You will be giving a 10 minutes oral book report on the assigned book which should include the items listed …show more content…

Posture and Eye
5 points Stands up straightforward, looks relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Stands up straightforward and establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation. Occasionally stands up straightforward and establishes eye contact with everyone during the presentation. He does not look at general public during the presentation.

5 points Volume is loud enough to be heard by all spectators throughout the presentation. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all spectators at least 90% of the time. Volume is loud enough to be heard by all spectators at least 80% of the time. Volume often too soft to be heard by all spectators.
Visual Aide

5 points Visual aide meets all requests, shows great effort and is well-organized. Visual aide meets most of the requests, shows effort and is well-organized. Visual aide meets some requests, shows less effort and is some way organized. Visual aide does not meet requests, shows little or no effort and is disorganized.
Grade Possible points:
50 Your score:
