Tort Reform In America

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As Americans we are not subject to dictatorship; someone having complete authority over our lives. In fact, The United States of America gets praised for not being a communist country. The government does not control every aspect of society but Tort Reform challenges the idea of Americans free will and put a cap on the compensation that is legally and morally right for the sake of big business corporations. Tort Reform is the complete opposite of a taboo topic. Tort reform is such a controversial topic that is still talked about in the newspaper and other social media outlets even today. Fox 4 News reported a story on a man who was in a tragic car accident, “ Driving from his home in Kearney south on I-35 into Kansas City, he hit a patch …show more content…

It is used not for the good of the people, but the benefit of the big companies so they may gain as much profit as possible. The sole reason for Tort Reform is to put on a cap on what you is rightly yours, after all, you are the victim. Tort Reform makes people who are making, selling or providing a service lazy and careless. They know if something was to happen if their product was defective or cost someone their life that their behind is covered under a law that limits the amount they have to give because even though they may have to pay something, the law protects the offender more than the victim. If Tort reform was not a law many companies such a Ford, Walmart and hospitals would be more careful about they do. They would proceed with caution knowing that if something bad were to happen they would take a loss of money, and nobody likes to lose money. Tort reform can relate to police officers, speed limits are enforced so that the rate of car accidents decreased. Just think if we got pulled over for spending and no matter how fast you were going there is a maximum limit you never have to pay; people would speed all the time and no one would abide by the law because the consequences are so minimum, no one takes it seriously. This is true for Tort Reform. A Tort is a Tort, which is defined as “a wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to civil legal liability”(Tort). There is no need to “reform”