Trademark Office Essay

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Even though individuals and small businesses may not be able to afford the cost of filing an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, patenting a product is important because patents prevent the unfair use of an individuals ideas and patents make is possible for individuals and businesses to protect their investments.

There are three types of patents, utility patent, design patent, and plant patents. All of which hold a different purpose. Patents by definition are “An intellectual property right granted by the Government of the United States of America to an inventor to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States” as stated by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This simply means that as an inventor of an invention, idea, design etc. you are acknowledged that you are the sole owner or inventor and others are unable to use,duplicate, or sell your product in the U.S without your permission. Patents will also prevent others from importing the …show more content…

Provisional and Non-Provisional, both of which have an extremely beneficial perk to them as provisional patent will allow the inventor to protect their current investments. provisional patents also allow the the inventor to experiment with any marketing process they might have in mind and at the same time allows for future improvements on the inventors product while the provisional patent in under effect. filing a provisional patent will allow for priority filing when the non provisional patent is filed. Non-provisional patents are for the inventor if he later decides if the product will succeed and wants to file a permanent patent over the product as provisional patents are only temporary and last 12 month from the applicant date. While both utility and design patents both share these two applicant processes utility patents are responsible for what is done to the product that is being