Transcription Section 3-Theoretical Framework

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Transcription Project Requirements

As a candidate for completing my masters in school counseling, it is required that I complete taped counseling sessions for my required formal observations. For my most recent formal observation, I chose to record, evaluate, and transcribe a one-to-one counseling session with a student that was struggling academically. During my time with the student, I chose to help the student identity the obstacles and challenges he was facing in his classes. We then focused in on how to overcome one of his challenges - not focusing in class - using a student-centered, and strengths-based orientation. The student and I collaborated on actions steps and resources that would help him to focus better in class. The transcription …show more content…

Because of the research-based practice & effectiveness of using a strengths based focus schools, I was confident that our time together was very effective. In fact, a strengths-based and solution-focused model as “particularly well-suited to work in schools due to the high caseloads of most school counselors, and the related need to respond to a variety of student situations efficiently and promptly” (Bond, Woods, Humphrey, Symes, & Green, 2015, p.2).
A strengths-based theory includes the following themes: solution focus, trajectory preview, resource development, exceptions analysis noticing positives, goal setting, tenacity review, and human capacity development, as represented by the acronym STRENGTH (Davidson, 2014). As the student and I continued to work through the collaborative goal setting activity, each action step was followed by brainstorming what resources were available. In strengths-based counseling, the client/student becomes aware of their current resources and …show more content…

To be honest, I walked away for the counseling session very much aware of some of my strengths and weaknesses while meeting with the student. For example, I knew that I had a habit of stacking questions, or asking more than one question before allowing the student to respond. I know that in order to be effective, I needed to allow the student to process the questions I ask him without throwing another one at him at the same time. In my opinion, asking more than one question at a time is closely connected to me still not being confident about allowing more silence during counseling

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