Transformational Leadership Reflection

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Student’s name: Professor’s name: Date: Reflection Essay One of the most important element and aspect of any organisation is the leader that keeps all the members together and help in the formation of a team that works towards the production and manufacturing of remarkable projects, buildings and institutions. There has always been need for innovation and betterment in the design, architecture and construction in several form however, the one presented by Aileen Strickland McGee states the active agencies that built the certain type of environment with their specific focus on their impact on both education as well as education spaces. Education is pivotal for any human being to progress and prosper however, there is also certain pre-requisites …show more content…

According to the structuration theory, there are several other elements that included in this phase. These elements work as a framework for designing educational spaces for the students for their better and more productive learning in the educational systems. The spatial agencies make use of these theories and frameworks for proper execution of their job in the architecture and designing process. The complete list or phases that are mentioned by Aileen show that this type of design and architecture plan can work best with a transformational leader as he is the one who appreciates and encourages innovation in their respective work. All of the theories and measures that are adopted by the leaders in a transformational leadership style tend to mark towards a more innovative process that would ultimately lead to solving a number of problems and issues of the students and other people involved (Bernard and Riggio, …show more content…

The theory related to architecture is systems thinking while it is rested upon human centred approach that ultimately leads to the formation of such a society with an educational system that can help and benefit more people. This is a unique blend of architecture and humanistic approach as suggested by Aileen. However, for the proper execution of this system, it is again vital for the leader to be a proponent of transformational leadership as this would require him to make an approach or design that is more human centred. In order to get to the right path, the leader or architect would not only have to involve students and the faculty members but other office and domestic workers too regarding their opinion of the things that would be beneficial for the students to have in an educational space. And innovation is marked by the support of the team of workers that the leader or architect needs. If the workers do not properly execute the orders of the architect that the building would not come out to be as planned or