Transition From Middle School To High School Essay

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The transition from middle school to high school was a big change for me. The 3 reasons why the transition was a big change for me was because I don't have classes with my friends, I don't have effective teachers, and my curfew was extended when I entered high school. Having to adapt to this change has been hard for me, but slowly I am getting used to it.

Having different classes from my friends is one of the reasons why the transition from middle school to high school was a big change for me. For example, in middle school, I had all my class with my best friends. When we had classes together, we would talk, joke around, help each other with class work and homework, but now all of my friends have a different class schedule than I do because they play a different sport, have different electives, or they're doing things they like. Therefore, Seeing my friends find what they enjoy doing and interacting with new people is great, but sometime it's hard because I would feel left out when they talk about things with their new friends. I've grown apart from 3 friends because we don't have any classes together. We still talk once in awhile, but we're just not as close as we were last year. The …show more content…

In middle school, I wasn't able to hang out with my friends outside of school often, but when I entered high school, I was able to hang out with my friends outside of school more often because my curfew was extended. My curfew to be home in middle school was 6:00 p.m., in comparison to my curfew in high school, which was to be home at 7:00p.m. As a result of this, I would go volunteering, go to the mall and go eat out with my friends during the weekends because my curfew is longer than it was before. Having a longer curfew is the last reason why the transition from middle school to high school was a big change for