Traumatic Brain Case Study

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Doctor’s appointments, infusions, transfusions, surgeries, and other procedures, Paul’s life had been put on hold. Paul was hit by a car while riding his bike when he was 13, he was not expected to live from this traumatic incident. Due to not wearing a helmet, Paul suffered from a severe TBI and was in a two month coma. When he awoke, he was unable to walk or talk. Paul recovered from all of this by a sort of miracle that has yet to be uncovered, his cognitive abilities were restored, his voice, and also his ability to walk. Around this time Paul was also going through recovery for a bone marrow transplant for his leukemia. While being secluded in the hospital, he began to teach himself to play the guitar. For three whole months he was alone …show more content…

This may lead to visual neglect: this is when the patient loses awareness of objects on the opposite side to where the brain has been damaged. Other studies have uncovered that when these patients listened to their favorite types of music some of their visual abilities had been restored; therefore, music can be a very helpful tool in rehab for stroke patients (Effects). Lastly, music can also be able to potentially assist with traumatic brain injuries. A study showed that participants who had experienced a TBI listened to number one songs from their separate generations to see what memories were then evoked. Listening to the music worked and brought back certain memories to the patients. The memories brought back mostly consisted of people or a period of their lifetimes, these memories were very similar to the ones evoked by the control patients of the same study, who did not have a TBI …show more content…

There is a link between memory and music that is so strong it can aid you in learning a completely new language. To get into a four year college you are required to take two language courses, so to make sure you pass those two courses, listening to music in different languages can help sufficiently. A recent research study found that individuals attempting to learn Hungarian performed better when they sang Hungarian songs rather than writing them down or repeating them over and over. It is a proven fact that the components of rhythm and rhyme help in learning anything, not just a different language (Music). This is a good study habit for the simple fact that music is so easy to listen to, it can relieve the stress and anxiety that comes with studying, and also, it is completely effortless to sit in your room, plug in your earphones, and just listen. The link that connects music and memory is so strong because it activates large areas of the brain. A brain imaging study that was conducted found that music activates the auditory, motor, and limbic regions of the brain. The auditory part of the brain is the area that affects hearing. The motor cortex of the brain generates neural impulses that pass down the spinal cord and then control movement. The limbic regions of the brain control emotion. The study showed that it didn't matter what artist or genre of music the