
Treacher Collins Syndrome In Wonder, By R. J. Palacio

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The movie, Wonder, illustrates what life is like for Auggie, a young boy born with major facial deformation, who is starting 5th grade after being homeschooled his entire life. This movie is based off of the book written by R.J. Palacio. The story brings light to Treacher Collins Syndrome, the disease Auggie was born with; his story shares what many others born with the disease face. “Treacher Collins is an extremely rare congenital cranial facial disorder. It affects just one in 50,000 people” (Wonder Boy). ABC interview, Wonder Boy, describes the struggles of Nathaniel Newman who was also born with the Treacher Collins Syndrome. In this interview, Nathaniel shared how he was able to relate to many of the struggles Auggie faced. “Nathaniel struggles with the judgment of others, he recognizes that he doesn’t look like other people because he was born looking inhuman with missing facial structures which makes him different” (Wonder Boy). The story told in Wonder inspires others to view people living with Treacher Collis Syndrome as more than their physical appearance. By portraying the stereotypes of disabled kids being nothing more than their disability, the film addresses harmful judgments which fosters negative self identities in those being targeted. Auggie struggles with his identity which in turn makes it hard to befriend …show more content…

Due to the Treacher Collis Syndrome, Auggie is smaller than the average kid his age. When called names by other kids, Auggie becomes shy and timid but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t feel the pain. For example, after being picked on by Jack Will, he had a meltdown at home where he stated he hated school and never wanted to go back because there were no nice kids. During another point in the movie, he was on a field trip and boys two years older than him made fun of him calling him a freak which caused him to cry in fear because he was concerned what they might do to

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