Trevon Thorpe Persuasive Speech

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Trevon Thorpe! Name doesn 't ring a bell does it ? Looking for his name on Google? Can only find few pictures maybe a HUDL highlight video? Well how about you dig a little into the sports history books in the Hampton Roads area. Look up his brothers Tavon Gatlin and Dejor Simmons, some say Tavon was the best athlete outside of Percy Harvin to ever be from the Virginia Beach, Virginia area. Dejor Simmons, Dual athlete, and was breaking state records left and right. That is not the the only top athletes that run in this young mans bloodline. Jahvoni Simmons All-State LB now at UVA, those are just a few of Trevons talented family. Well that still doesn 't tell us who Trevon Thorpe is. Trevon is a running back and defensive back for the

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