Tricia Stewart Interview

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Tricia Stewart always saw the good in every bad situation, and always saw the good in everything living. Of course she had her bad days, but those bad days turned into a life lesson usually. It could be a muggy and rainy afternoon and you could find Tricia sitting on her front porch with her dog as she read her books contently and admired the beauty of the rain falling from the sky, onto the wet pavement. The amount of positivity in this woman was unreal, and the mood of the environment around her was always lifted when she came around. Tricia grew up in the busy city of Dallas, Texas. She spent most of her day crafting, reading, working, and routined meditation. She worked as an accountant, making an average salary to support herself, along with her two sons. One was ten, who you could find with his eyes glued to the computer screen. and one was eighteen, who was God knows where most of the time. Family was important to her, but her days were usually simple and laid back. She had been widowed for several years now. …show more content…

First, after I got general facts about her, I asked questions about her past relationship. She didn’t mind actually; she was quite happy to speak about her past lover and the memories she shared with him. “How did the two of you meet?” I asked, not sure where to start. “We met in Shreveport at a music festival. I actually moved here when I was in my twenties.” She added, realizing she had not mentioned this shift in my earlier questions. I was worried that she would show emotion during the interview when talking about her ex husband, but she seemed strong and too happy with her current life to let this part of her life affect