
Trinity Test Essay

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Trinity Test a

The Trinity Test was the test of the first atomic bomb ever built, the test was conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (history.com). From May through June workers began preparing for the testing of the atomic weapon, workers tested the equipment with 100s of tons of normal explosives, and built three observation bunkers were the team was separated between in case of an accident (The Trinity Test). This being the first test of a weapon of its kind created some worries, such as the amount of radiation that would be released by the detonation, and the possibility that the wind would blow the radiation to populated areas. As seen in the picture, the workers strapped testing equipment to the bomb to measure the …show more content…

Truman became president (Truman Is). Despite being Roosevelt’s Vice president Truman did not know much about the current secret war efforts Roosevelt had begun. Immediately after being sworn into office, Truman had to be briefed extensively in his first week in office, one of the briefings by the Secretary of war Stimson on April 15 informed Truman about “S-1” or the Manhattan project, in this forty five minute briefing Stimson informed Truman on the current phase and testing timetable of the project (Truman Is). After concluding the briefing, Truman made it clear that he understood the reason for building an atomic bomb with the impending diplomatic and military initiatives. On April 24th Stimson and General Leslie Groves gave Truman a full file of reports and details on the Manhattan Project, it told Truman that the U.S. was the only country capable of building an atomic bomb, this eliminated his fears that Germany was close to developing a weapon of similar caliber to the United States’, they also discussed what allies should have information on the project and agreed to form a committee that would inform Truman and when to use the Weapon (Truman Is). Knowing the full details of the project, On July 31, 1945 Truman gave a hand written letter to Stimson ordering him to release the bomb when ready with the only exception that he does not release it sooner than August 2nd (Truman Is). The first of the two bombs would be dropped over Hiroshima on August 6th and a second on Nagasaki on August

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