Half Life Of Tritium Case Study

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Exercises: 1. What is the half-life of tritium? What is the nature of the emissions from tritium? The half-life of tritium is 12.5 years. [powerpoint]. As tritium is a radioactive particle, it breaks down over time and releases emissions as it does so. Tritium is a relatively weak radioactive particle and as it breaks down to helium, it releases weak beta emissions. [http://hps.org/documents/tritium_fact_sheet.pdf]. 2. What is the difference between cpm and dpm? How are they related? CPM stands for counts per minute and DPM stands for disintegrations per minute. Counts per minute is associated with the calculation of alpha or beta particles released in a minute from a substance. Disintegrations per minute is to do with the emissions of the atoms that radioactively decay from the …show more content…

If the outlier lay outside the 95% confidence interval of the mean, the outlier could be rejected. Another way to reject the outlier is to see if the result is to test if the outlier result was statistically significant which would determine if the result arose by chance. An ANOVA test would be performed and if the p-value was less than 0.05, the result is unlikely to have arose by chance, however, if it is an outlier and has resulted by chance, the result will not be statistically significant. You can therefore reject the outlier as not being statistically significant. 7. What is a Scatchard plot? The Scatchard plot is a graph which is used from an equation used to measure the affinity of a receptor for a ligand. [http://what-when-how.com/molecular-biology/scatchard-plot-molecular-biology/] The Scatchard plot is a graph of the binding of a ligand in ratio to the nonbinding of the same ligand versus the concentration of the ligand that was bound. [Voet, Donald; (1995). Biochemistry, 3rd Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-39223-5]. 8. What does "Good Laboratory Practice"

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