Trump Persuasive Speeches

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It has been a long, long time since I last typed out something like this to my Facebook friends. Due to recent events I am going to attempt to offer my opinion. Up till this point on social media I have only spoken casually to my friends, retweeted funny satire and shared the occasional short poignant video; however, I did not ever realize that this would be too little, too late. While words cannot describe my disappointment and utter shock, I am going to attempt to portray them... At the most basic level I have in fact understood the infatuation that people have had with Trump. He has been incredibly successful in appealing to a group of people who are done with the corrupt system and has sucessfully propelled himself forward with the promise …show more content…

I live in a nation that is strong because of its diversity, its unity in the face of adversity and its inherent promise, and further privilege, to be able to be successful and have a voice. Tonight a man was elected who does not represent these ideals. I am flabbergasted thinking of how we as a whole decided that this is the man that for the next four years will represent us all at home and abroad. We have given unarguably the most hated presidential candidate in history our …show more content…

I cannot justify them. No party ties or popular opinions will ever justify his voice to be the majorities. I am appalled that at home and abroad Trumps voice is now deemed my own. I am taking the time to do this to tell immigrants, muslims, other countries, LGBTQ, women, democrats, republicans, straight white men, elderly, children, everyone that Trumps voice is not mine. In the face of terrorism, economic disturbance, global uncertainty and climate change I will not rely on the loudest and angriest voice. A misogynistic, sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, classicist and hateful voice will not be my