Tsuga Dialectical Journal

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Not stopping for anything, they traveled for two days before they reached their destination. The Hawks were known for their tireless pursuits, and their ability stop at nothing no matter what the cost is to complete their mission. Lo decided to stop in Hogo forest so that the party could devise a plan to take over Tsuga. Zhang was sent to go scout ahead with a party of five rogues. As they made their way towards Tsuga which was at least a half a day walk a way. They ran into a group of soldiers of Kasei who were transporting goods from Tsuga to the front lines. Zhang took out his great sword and quietly made his way over towards the soldiers. When they had gotten close enough Zhang ordered the men to shoot the guards with their hand cross bows, not aiming at the any parts of the armour that …show more content…

They quickly took everything of the bodies, in which they found a letter which said that (all of Tsuga’s troops have been ordered to move towards the frontline). After reading this Zhang got onto the carriage, which mostly contained food, medicine, clothes, and weapons back to the camp; and handed the letter over towards his uncle, whom then called for his fastest hawk, to delay the message to the king. After doing so he asked Zhang how many troops are remaining in Tsuga, he replied by saying “only one hundred men” (which were nothing against their force of ten thousand Vanara). Lo quickly brought five thousand of his men ready for the attack, they were ordered not to leave any one alive. Zhang and Bobo quickly got onto their carriage, while his brother and father were told to stay back and guard the rest of the party incase any troops came back. Zhang and Lo quickly made their way towards Tsuga, and attacked the city which was guarded better then they thought. The battle had lasted a day, but the city was finally