Tuberculosis Accomplishments

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There have been numerous breakthroughs that form the major accomplishments that have been made in epidemiology, one such achievement that I do consider to be of particular interest to my achievements in Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is history oldest and most lethal disease; this is because as a disease it can be easily transmitted to human beings and also across species unknowingly (Glaziou, P., Floyd, K., & Raviglione, M. 2009). Additionally, it is well known that the drugs that could cure most cases of the diseases are readily available and despite this, the disease is only second to HIV/AIDS regarding its contribution to the number of deaths resulting from infectious agents.

Listed among the top most fatal diseases that have ever been faced …show more content…

TB surveillance is globally recognized as the most efficient way through which data can be made available that can fundamentally serve as a source for the assessment of the disease burden and the trend in epidemiology. The WHO has as a matter of fact established a policy that is related to measuring the diseases burden and that categorically emphasizes the need to have quality surveillance that would facilitate the objective of measuring the disease occurrence in a population and the incidences (Nishikiori, N., & Morishita, F. 2013). WHO relies on surveillance substantially and the data thereof to publish the epidemiological situation at the global, country and regional …show more content…

It is especially a significant tool that can be relied on to measure the occurrence of drug resistant TB. Established surveillance data can facilitate the determination of the transmission chain of the disease and also facilitate the identification of the clusters of the disease.The prediction of the diseases algorithm that can then be used to raise alerts related to outbreaks and also the determination of the clusters of the population that are at high risk of infection.
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2012), is a source of data in regards to Tuberculosis and also the surveillance data reporting from source. This source is relied on by various stakeholders and all the statistics related to the disease can be accessed from the site.
Incorporating the lessons learned in the module about risk and rates. I would hence say that collection of quality surveillance data in an orderly and standardized manner that is applied globally has influenced the achievement in this occurrence. In that, the infected are recorded in the register of persons affected and also monitored closely by health workers who follow up on the completion of treatment making surveillance a patient support tool and also a measure of occurrence.