Tupac Shakur: A Short Story

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“How many brothers fell victim to the street? Rest in peace young homie, there’s a heaven for a G. Be a lie if I told you I never thought of death.”
-Tupac Shakur

Where do all thugs go when they die? Disruptively, the music blared throughout the seemingly infinite halls. Yet, the beats were heard by no one who would want to shut it down. Bloodshot eyes searched the deserted area, on the lookout for any signs of other residents. Thug Mansion was bumping and dank, so Tupac Shakur must have been throwing a party. In the diamond encrusted fountain, “slizzurp” trickled gently out of the mouth of a stone, angelic Comptonian. Though it was constantly flowing, it never seemed to overflow out of the basin. Exploding from the pool of concentrated