
Type 2 Diabetes Essay

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Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the blood glucose levels in a person’s body becomes too high for too long. For those without diabetes, blood glucose is a main source of energy received from eating food. A healthy pancreas will make insulin, which causes the glucose to enter the cells and be used for energy. People with diabetes, however, have an abnormally high glucose level because their bodies either doesn’t make enough insulin, doesn’t use the insulin well, or don’t produce insulin at all. Without insulin, the cells do not receive any energy from the glucose, and it can cause many dangerous health problems if left untreated. According to the National Diabetes Statistics Report of 2017, “[in 2015] 30.3 million people in the United …show more content…

Type 2 diabetes is usually caused by unhealthy physical activity habits or genetics, as those who are not physically active, overweight, or have family members with diabetes are at a high risk for developing type 2 at some point in their lives. Having excessive weight, especially around the stomach, can sometimes cause the insulin being produced by the pancreas to not be used as effectively as it could be. Gestational diabetes sometimes develops during pregnancy, and though it is unknown exactly why it develops, many scientists believe it could be due to hormonal changes. The extra weight gained during pregnancy also could be a factor. Most cases of gestational diabetes disappear after the baby is born, however, while type 1 is life-long, and type 2 could last many years, if not life-long. To manage their diabetes, people must test their blood sugar (blood glucose levels) often by pricking their finger, and must inject shots of insulin into their bodies so their cells will be able to use the glucose in their blood for energy. Managing good blood pressure, a good cholesterol level, a healthy diet, and a regular exercise plan will help diabetics take control over their chronic illness. For those at risk, keeping a close watch on all of the above will also improve their chances are staying

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