USarter And Nicer, By Annie Murphy Paul

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Deep Reading The 21st Century has proven to be the era of technology. We develop new and improved gadgets at a very quick rate working around the clock and hardly setting aside any time for ourselves. Simple practices such as reading has taken to be very structured and instrumental to many. In the article written by Annie Murphy Paul, “Reading Literature Makes Us Smarter and Nicer” (2013), she adreses the diverging views set upon what many call “Deeper reading”. Many argue that this type of reading throught a physical book brings the reader into an intimate connection with the story, thus indulgining the reader into a sensational reading expeience. Thought this proves to have …show more content…

A deeper connection can also be associated through reading actual books rather than electronic ones as it gives readers a more intimate relationship with the story. Physical books’, “lack of hyperlinks”, (Paul) allow for a greater concentration and understanding of a story as it’s just the reader and the words in front of them. I know from experince that once I grabe my tecnological device Im imidietly tempted to check up on emails, messages and social media before I commence to read. Not only that, but I can easily be distreacted from what Im reading once I see I got a notovifaction. For a split second I have to make the decision whether to respond to wht my phone is telling me or whether I should continue reading, but all togtehr that momnet has alraedy taken me out of teh story I was in and placed me into a whole otehr mind set away from teh reading. A tangible book, however, permits the reader to be “immeresed in the narrative”, (Paul) more completly as they arent bombared by notification or adds that notrmaly pop up in electroniv …show more content…

The practice of reading especially has always been guided to teh time period. Language and teh way in witch we right has eveolved from from time to time. In moder times we fins that picking up an electronic book, or e-book, has bee more convieniet than having to go out and getting a physical book. The benefits of these are evident as it save a lot of time and it eliminates the burden of carring a physical book, as it can easily be acceced throught ypur moble phone.With the advancing tecnology many educators find it reasonable to start “molding instruction around… sceen habits”(Paul), as it is alrady something of second nature to many. It provides finilarity and custom to those nutrured throught the screen era. Throught many find it that their only cheating readers of the full bliss that comes with reading a tangible book, times are chaning and new experinces throught raeding may be a on changing