Ten Little Zombies Research Papers

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Today, one of most popular topics to talk about is zombies. It has become a trend. There are lots of movies and series being created. The horror genre is mostly covered by zombies these days. One reason for this is business. People want to watch horror movies to get an adrenaline rush. It makes us believe in the unbelievable. As the genre of horror and zombies is peaking and becoming popular at the time, zombifying various products or putting images related to zombies onto products is helping manufacturers to increase the sales of the products drastically. Products like the book, Ten little zombies, A love story, is beneficial for both manufacturers and consumers as consumers get what they want and manufacturers get benefitted from it. Are …show more content…

Among all of them, the one that caught my attention was a book named Ten Little Zombies, A Love Story. It is a strange looking book with a bright red cover. It has a picture of a boy and a girl running away from zombies. In the middle of the cover is a big heart, also the entire cover looks like it is splattered with blood. The reason behind this design of the book might be to trigger fear on children so that they know it is a book with a scary story. Also, it is to give kids a brief introduction of zombies. The boy has a drill in his hand which looks as he is going to kill the zombies with it. The little boy looks very confident and seems like he knows what he is doing. On the other hand, the little girl looks a bit scared. They both are holding hands, which at a glance looks like the boy is protecting the girl. According to the topic it is clear that the boy and the girl are in love as it is a love story. The zombies do not look very scary. They do not look anything like modern or classic old zombies. They look very simple, and the reason behind it might be because they are designed for kids. There are three zombies chasing the young lovers. The book looks very bright and can catch attention at a glance. From the outside the book might seem like an interesting one, as we take a look inside, it surely is interesting but with an unexpected and a surprising amount of