
Underage Drinking Essay

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Why Consuming Alcohol Underage Can Lead to Many Life-Long Consequences Alcohol has historically, and continues to affect our society in many ways. Underage drinking is a serious issue that affects many teenagers and young adults across the world. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, more than 90% of the alcohol consumed by individuals under the age of 21 is consumed through binge drinking. Consuming alcohol as a minor can have serious, life-altering consequences. When alcohol is consumed, many things occur in the brain that can cause irreversible damage, poor decision-making, and lead to dangerous situations. Alcohol affects many aspects of a person’s life and the lives around them. Consuming alcohol underage …show more content…

The most obvious legal issue associated with underage drinking is the fact that it is illegal for individuals under the age of 21 to purchase or possess alcohol. This means that if a young person is caught with alcohol, they can be charged with a criminal offense and may face fines or even jail time. Another legal issue that can arise from underage drinking is related to driving under the influence (DUI). Even a small amount of alcohol can impair a young person's ability to drive safely, and if they are caught driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit, they can be charged with DUI. This can result in fines, a suspension of their driver's license, and even jail time. Additionally, if a young person causes an accident while under the influence of alcohol, they may be liable for any damages or injuries they cause. This can include criminal charges such as vehicular manslaughter and civil lawsuits, which can result in significant financial penalties. Underage drinking can also lead to legal trouble in terms of other types of criminal behavior. Young people who drink may be more likely to engage in vandalism, disorderly conduct, or other types of criminal activity. If they are caught and charged with such offenses, they can face fines, community service, and even jail time. Youth who engage in drinking may also get involved in other illegal activities such as drug use and dealing, which can lead to severe legal consequences like prison time and criminal records that can affect their future opportunities. Even Adults who facilitate or provide alcohol to minors can face legal consequences. It is illegal for adults to provide alcohol to someone under the age of 21 and it's considered as contributing to the delinquency of a minor. These adults can face fines and even jail time. In conclusion, underage drinking can lead to a wide range of legal troubles for young people. From

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