Underserved Problem Statement

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Our initial problem statement was to create a toy for an underserved population. As a group we selected the population of children with OCD and/or anxiety. We chose this underserved population due to a personal connection with the issue. All members of the group are affected by or know someone who is affected by this disorder. In addition to personal connections we conducted research on the population and found that even though there are many “fidget” toys targeted at this population, there were not any construction toys specifically for this population. The children we chose to target are elementary school children ages three to eight. We chose this age range because children ages three to eight are developing gross and fine motor skills. In addition, this is an essential time for improving hand- eye coordination and dexterity (fine motor skills). Construction toys have proven to be helpful in developing these skills …show more content…

According to the anxiety and Depression Association of America, “people with OCD experiences obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive and unwanted thoughts, images, or urge that cause distress or anxiety.” As is obvious by this statement there is a link between OCD and anxiety. General Anxiety Disorder is defined as people who “experience excessive anxiety and worry, often about health, family, money, or work. This worrying goes on every day, possibly all day. It disrupts social activities and interferes with work, school, or family” (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Children who are affected by these disorders tend to be “painfully shy, and avoid things that other kids enjoy, some have tantrums and meltdowns, and others develop elaborate rituals, like compulsive hand washing, aimed at diminishing the fear” (Anxiety in Children). These two disorders are fairly common and often left