Understand The Basic Overview Of Climate Change Mitigation

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To understand climate change mitigation we firstly have to understand the basic overview of climate change, its natural causes through earth processes and the causes through human activities. Climate change can be defined as the change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time which can be caused through a number of factors such as biotic processes, variations of solar radiation in the earth’s atmosphere, tectonic plates and volcanic eruptions which all can be classified as the causes through the earth’s natural processes. The human activities that contribute to climate change can be identified as deforestations, burning of fossil fuels and aerosols that damage the atmosphere. …show more content…

They have improved the supply of energy and ensured that the distribution of it became more efficient. They have saved energy by switching fuel from coal to gas, using nuclear power, renewable heat and renewable power such as hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal and bioenergy. Fossil fuels can be replaced by bioenergy from forestry products therefore reforestation and good forest management saves energy thus mitigating climate change.

Apart from mitigating climate change, managing our earth is so important because it is our home and will be the home of our children. The earth as we know it is always changing and is slowly depleting. The conservation of energy has a very positive impact on society as it brings about awareness of our earth’s resources and consideration towards the generations that are yet to come.

Transport has also become more fuel-efficient by hybrid vehicles with more powerful and reliable batteries using biofuels and cleaner diesel. Transport has also been shifted from road to rail and public transport. The use of non-motorised transport (bicycles and cycling) is highly encouraged. As a result, less harmful gases are released into the atmosphere therefore mitigating the effect of climate change on the

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