Understand The Main Causes Of Diseases Essay

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Understand the main causes of disease

There are four main different categories of diseases, the first is infectious this can be passed on through person to person, this causes viruses, bacteria and fungus an example of this is thrush which is a fungus bacterium. Secondly there is the deficiency disease an example of this is anemia which is caused by lack of iron. There is also the hereditary disease an example of this disease is sickle cell and cystic fibrosis. Lastly there is the physiological disease an example of this is asthma and diabetes. 1.1

An infectious disease is caused by organisms, such as viruses, fungi and bacteria. Organisms can live in our body, this can play a big part by making it dangerous for us in certain circumstances, or sometimes helpful as these live in and on our bodies. A high amount of infectious diseases is passed on through person to …show more content…

Some genetic disorders are heritable and is passed on through generations. In some cases, it is not always passed down through generations. There is a non-heritable genetic disorder this can be caused by new mutations formed in the DNA which will make the DNA change. There are three different types of genetic disorders one is the:
• Chromosomal disorder where some parts of the chromosomes have changed or could be completely missing. The structure that’s holds are genes is called chromosomes. This is called the deletion process. There is also the inversion process where part of the chromosome dispatches itself, it then turns itself upside down then reattaches itself. Translocation is another method were segments of the chromosomes rearrange itself which moves either to another part of the chromosome or to the same chromosome. The balanced translocation is when DNA is equally provided between both chromosomes nothing is added or taken away. An example of a chromosomal disorder is down

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