
Uniformity Of God Research Paper

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as the angels and saints do it in heaven. The LORD God refers to David as a man after His own heart because David fulfilled all of GOD’s wishes. I so desire to be like David, always ready to embrace the divine will. I learn from David to ask the LORD God for one thing only - to teach me to do His will always.
If I could fathom just a single act of uniformity with the divine will, it should suffice to make me a saint. I find inspiration in St. Paul, who was persecuting the Church when the LORD God enlightened him and converted him. He did nothing else but offer to do GOD’s Will, and in return the LORD calls him a vessel of election and an apostle to carry GOD’s name before the gentiles. I realize that if I am to give my will to GOD, I must …show more content…

Augustine that there is nothing more pleasing to offer GOD other than to ask Him to take me, for I give Him my entire will. I wish only that He lets me know His will and I will carry it out. I must not only strive to conform myself, but also to unite myself to whatever disposition GOD makes of me. My lesson with St. Alphonsus reveals that conformity signifies that I join my will to the will of GOD, but uniformity means I make one will of GOD’s will and mine. That I will only what GOD wills, so that GOD’s will alone is my will. This is the summit of perfection to which I should always aspire. This should be the goal of all my works, desires, meditations and prayers. To this end, I shall always invoke the aid of our holy patrons, my guardian angel, and above all, our Mother Mary, because she most perfectly embraced the divine …show more content…

I have to remember that all things good as well as evil come from GOD. Those adversities that I call evil actually are good and meritorious when I receive them as coming from the hands of GOD. Now I know, that when someone offends me unjustly, GOD does not will this sin nor does He concur in the sinner’s bad will. I understand that GOD does concur in the material action by which this person hurts me, such that the LORD God certainly wills the offense I suffer and it thus comes to me from His hands. Now I comprehend why the LORD Jesus told St. Peter that His sacred passion came not so much from man as from His Father. Likewise, I must not consider the afflictions that come upon me as happening by chance or solely from the malice of men. I should be convinced that whatever happens, happens by the will of

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