Union Organization Case Study

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Amy again you have captured the essence of the issues that are most prevalent in unions organizations where you discuss the validity of the union organization. In your response, you say that unions are not necessary anymore and that unions promise things that they cannot deliver on. After working as an hourly employee in the oil industry offshore, nuclear industry and many manufacturing facilities it is clear that union organizations give the muscle that is necessary to combat corporations who are greedy and are willing to short change the employees who are doing the hard work that it takes to get the job done. Based on my personal experience working in a union environment there is a benefit and most of the time the unionized employees are …show more content…

To your point, having witnessed this in the old union model it is clear that the past supported an arrogant less cohesive work environment that would have thwarted the lean manufacturing model. As for now it is clear that the new more assertive union model works closer with management teams and utilizes all of the tools necessary to meet the company goals. This new approach to companies have benefited both the company and the unionized employees by providing better profits to the company and providing a new and fresh approach to cohesive existence. To this end many union workers are better accepted by industry and there is a recent surge of union activity around many very established and respected company locations. In the text, the authors reveal that in spite of union conflicts many unions provide vital support to the many hourly workers who need representation in the negotiation of contracts, benefits and retirement options. Furthermore the unions are known for providing top notch training for their members so that only the best worker is utilized in the work place (Bernardin & Russell, 2013) In conclusion, the best practice for companies is to view workers as assets and treat them accordingly, so that the ills of the past are not drug along into the future. To this end, many progressive companies treat employees well and whether or not the workers are represented by union or not there really is not an issue for all