Business Level 3 Unit 2 P2 It Technical Support

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P2 - It Technical Support
Introduction: In this criteria I will be using JCC Ltd’s policies and procedures to write a report that explain the potential impact they have on the provision of technical support within JCC Ltd’s.

• Hardware under guarantee must be returned to the manufacturer in order not to invalidate the warranty.
This will have an impact on the customer and the organisation, likewise the customer will be unhappy as to what happen to their hardware and it will also affect the organisation by costing them money to fix it or probably will have to replace it with a new hardware.

• All other hardware will be repaired on site if possible, otherwise it will be sent to a recognised specialist.
The hardware’s which can be repaired …show more content…

It will impact the hardware organisation negatively by giving JCC company new hardware without any charge.

• All documentation supplied with new hardware or software is to be kept in the IT manager’s office.
This will impact the company positively by keeping them in IT manager’s office in case they are not mixed up and also they can be identified as a warranty hardware’s.

• No unauthorised software is to be installed on company machines unless proof of a licence is available.
This will impact the JCC Company positively. There must be a proof of license before any unauthorised software installation otherwise it will have a huge impact on the company, I believe they will have viruses spread all over their systems and the company will end up losing important data of their customers and staff. It will take a while until it’s solved and at that time they would have lost a huge amount of money and …show more content…

• All members of staff must ensure that all sensitive data involving customer or staff data is kept secure
This will impact the company positively. Because if the data is kept secure then the JCC company will be running on a very strict security, which will then be very hard for hackers and thefts to steal any data from staff or customers data.

• All current legislation must be complied with at all times.
This will impact the company positively, this is because if their complied with all the legislation of the law then there will be no consequences to the company. If there are not followed then the impact Failure to comply with these requirements can have serious consequences for both organisations and individuals, sanctions include fines, imprisonment and disqualification.

• All technical staff are allowed 2 training days per year to allow for professional development.
This will impact the JCC Company positively, because the workers will gain more experience from training, which will make them do the work more effectively and

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