Unspecified Depressive Disorder Case Study Essay

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Christine is a 15-year-old Black female who presented for this Level II Comprehensive Evaluation per Court Order to (1) assess present level of functioning, (2) determine diagnostic impressions, (3) identify relevant treatment and service needs, and (4) provide information regarding appropriate placement. On interview, she appeared her stated age, was appropriately groomed and dressed, and was able to engage generally appropriately for this examination with initial support and encouragement, thus suggesting that the above results and below conclusions are a valid representation of her present functioning. At the time of this evaluation, Christine was brought in by her mother for an evaluation per a Court Order. Both her self-report and available records indicate a notable legal history, but more important are concerns regarding her history of behavioral difficulties leading …show more content…

Regarding her present functioning, Christine did not present with clinically significant symptoms and signs consistent with a psychotic disorder at the present time, though she did report some hopelessness, along with one reported experience of suicidal ideation without a plan, leading to a diagnoses of Unspecified Depressive Disorder. In addition, Christine presents with numerous symptoms consistent with a conduct disorder, including aggression to others, physically abusive and destroying of property leading to a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder, Adolescent Onset. Her stressors related to family dysfunction, moving from Nigeria to America, developmental events such as moving back and forth between schools, changes in cultural setting are consistent with her experiences and suggest a diagnoses of an Adjustment Disorder, with mixed disturbances of emotions and conduct. Christine also meets criteria for Substance-Use Disorder mild and Cannabis Use Disorder, mild based on her reporting use of drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana as used during

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