Urban Growth In Australia Essay

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Urban growth and decline is a geographical processes that are constantly shaping Australian cities and is a geographical issue in Australia. Australia is a highly urbanised country as 89.01% of the population lives in the urban areas. People live in these areas due to lifestyle factors e.g specialist services, housing and jobs.Urban growth is the result of increasing population due to factors such as convenience, services, educational opportunities. and jobs e;g Sydney Business park in Marsden Park offering growth potential in one of sydney’s largest employment precincts.The negative impacts of urban growth are traffic congestion, poor air quality, overcrowding,urban runoff, environmental hazards & the need of new infrastruction .While urban decline refers to the deterioration of a city as a result of unemployment rates, decreased economic performance, and health facilities.e.g Balmain used to have factories people moved and the area decayed, now it has urban renewal and gentrification.this issue has created many responses from individuals, groups and governments.

Individuals have created great responses to the typical urban growth in a variety of ways. Preference for suburbanisation and coastal growth e.g byron bay, Campbelltown because there is less overcrowding than …show more content…

Conservationists groups encourage the better use of existing infrastructure as well as existing services such as electricity and telephone e.g the Ponds which was built as an environmentally friendly suburb and has a good mix of houses and natural vegetation. The Australian wildlife conservancy is a non-profit organization that acquires land, and works with other landholders, to establish sanctuaries for the conservation of threatened wildlife and