Urban Planning Decisions In The Gameparalell

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SimCity allows users to construct cities of all shapes and sizes. It simulates a real city and many common urban issues. Urban planning decisions in the gameparalell some aspects of reality, but doesn’t have all the controls and capabilities of real life.
City 1-Tiny Town was planned to reflect a small city with a center for commercial and residential use, while containing all elements of key infrastructure and public services. A small ideal city would need things like streets, zoning, power, garbage collection, fire and police protection, health care, education, water, sewage, government, mass transit and parks. To keep residents and shoppers safe from industrial toxins the tiny town was zoned with an industrial area outside the main portion …show more content…

In the game, economic growth can be measured by population growth, job creation, goods/freight, income and economic injections. These indicators of economic development were displayed by the population table and measured by the amount of jobs available, the amount of goods produced, the number of freight orders, the revenue generated from taxes or other specializations/investments and by the number of tourists. The city was planned to easily reach “megalopolis” status by increasing density and utilizing a grid street pattern with high density roads and accessible public transportation. In addition to the information displayed by the population table, the city’s budget table (displayed to the left) was utilized to show the city’s income and expenses, which needed to be positive to show economic development. Overall, the Growthopolis did achieve some of the planning objectives, including a balanced budget and economic injections. The biggest difficulties faced while developing the city involved balancing goods/freight and creating jobs for middle class Sims (displayed to the left). I attempted to overcome the unemployment issue by adding more parks for middle class Sims around commercial areas and by zoning more commercial area to create jobs. This resulted in an imbalance of goods and freight orders. The game adequately simulated issues relating …show more content…

Previously in sandbox mode, certain functions and forms of infrastructure weren’t limited, so some choices related to sustainability could be implemented immediately. Creating a city out of sandbox mode required a lot more planning, budgeting, time and foresight to build and maintain a city. City 3-Sustainabilicity was focused on how well the game simulated issues surrounding environmental protection, sustainable resource usage, urban growth management, and housing. To achieve this, the city was planned in a way that would accommodate at least 50,000 residents, maintain high approval ratings, a balanced budget, a balanced ratio of jobs to workers, and healthy commercial/industrial activity, all while containing the elements of preserved open space, no homelessness and public transit services. These planning goals were measured and monitored by keeping track of the city’s monthly profit and expenses, rates of unemployment, the amount of unfilled jobs or freight orders, unsatisfied shoppers or freight demand, and the number of homeless people within the city. The city was planned in a grid street pattern to optimize land use and space while allowing for easy zoning or infrastructure changes for the future needs of the city. Facilities or industrial areas that lowered land value were kept to the edges of the city or further away in a separate