Sao Paulo: A Comparison Of Cities And Civilization

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Cities have not always been around and have taken centuries to develop into the superpowers that they are today. Throughout all these years cities have grown causing modern cities to differ greatly from civilizations throughout the past leading up to the cities we have now. Topics like food access, housing, transportation, trade, and energy/power operate very differently than they once did. By looking closely at a modern day megacity like Sao Paulo , and comparing it with the cities and civilizations of history it can be shown the great change that has happened. The way that cities’ get their food is not very similar to the way it used to be at all. Everyone had their own farms or there was a farming area near the community in the ancient world. Today, in …show more content…

By the time the early modern/industrial age came around a trade network had been going on for quite a while so people in Britain and the New World now had a consistent exchange going on which brought many new crops, animals, and diseases to both parts of the world. In the modern world in Sao Paulo they have a world trade center which many other countries today have also, forming an official trading system. This center mainly focuses on introducing Brazilian brands to the market and bringing foreign brands to Brazil. So trading has changed so that now there a lot more countries trading with each other and not only can items be traded around the world but business can sell internationally. Though these advancements that have been made in trade could not have been done without the improvements made in transportation. In the ancient world and Roman cities literally the only form of transportation was by foot. Although Rome did have an extremely extensive road network which made travel not so much guess work it took a lot of time. Train